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Where Children Flourish


Within the setting we offer activities outlined below which cover all aspects of the EYFS

Small World

Great for imaginary play, language and communication and interacting with friends. This is always a popular area where friendships are made and imagination is endless

Book Area

Children enjoy stories and often act out or retell them. That's why we have them throughout our provision. Children can sit and look at books either independently or with staff. The children's pre-reading skills start here as they learn how to hold a book correctly, turn pages and even begin to recognise letters.

Role Play 

Children's biggest role models are their parents so there is always a 'home corner' set up. Role play helps develop social and communication skills

Cosy Corner

After Covid, we noticed children struggling with their self regulation and understanding their emotions. Creating a safe space to understand and explotre their emotions with an adult is crucial for their development.


Great for problem solving. It is also a great sense of achievement when they start to make things that are recognisable. We have a large construction area outside where children build dens, cars, trains etc.

Investigating Area

Children can develop their number and shape skills. Counting objecvts such as dinasaur, coins etc. There are also traditional resources such as puzzles and peg boards. The children love exploring all the natural resources such as shells, pebbles etc. and we include topics such as growth and life cycles.

Flour, gloop and playdoh

As well as having fun, children develop mark making and fine motor skills. Drawing circles, lines and sometimes even letters as well as rolling, cutting and moulding

Craft/ Mark Making

Children are free to explore and experiment with paint, mark making tools and other resources. Exploring colours and texture and developing mark making skills.

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Food Standard Rating 4

2020 Stepping Stones Pre-School • Fordingbridge • Hampshire • SP6 1JF • Tel 07436 716189