Daily Routine
Morning 9.00am to Midday
The children all have some time on the mat together where staff talk about any special events or activities planned and discuss the ‘Golden Rules’. The children then have free flow access from inside to the outside where there are a wide range of activities and resources for them. At the end of the morning session, children are encouraged to tidy up before coming together on the mat again for songs, stories or sharing news.
We have a self-select snack bar which is open throughout the morning. Children are encouraged to select their own snack and also wash their own plate and dry it when they have finished. We also like to involve children in shopping for and preparing the snack as much as possible.
Lunch Club Midday to 1.00pm
All children are welcome to stay for lunch and it is great for their independence. It is a very sociable time and children are asked to sit nicely while they are eating and are encouraged to eat all their lunch. We encourage healthy eating.
Afternoon 1.00pm to 4.00pm
The afternoon session is run along the same lines as the morning, with free flow access inside and out and snack time. The afternoon sessions are traditionally quieter than mornings and we aim to introduce some smaller group work, particularly in preparation for those children who will be starting school the following September.